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Here you will find a complete list of all of our reproductions which are derived from our antique P.P. Caproni and Brother plaster casts. They date from antiquity to the early 20th century.
photo of white plaster cast sculpture of left foot on base against gray background
photo of plaster cast sculpture of head of the Doryphoros, male with curly hair, on dark gray background
photo of off-white plaster cast sculpture bust of female without top of head and with piece of drapery on socle base on gray background
photo with gray background of plaster cast of ancient relief with three figures, namely Hades, Eurydice, and Orpheus
photo of plaster cast bust sculpture of Dante Alighieri with cap and high-necked robe with red book leaning against right side on black background
photo of white plaster cast relief sculpture of satyr with animal skin over his arm and staff in one hand walking beside a panther against gray background
Caryatides - Item #821
Homer - Item #93
photo of plaster cast bust of man with head turned to his right and a sash on his right shoulder on a gray background
Photo of stone-colored plaster cast relief sculpture of two figures dancing in a procession against a black background
Pompeiian Dancing Satyr (reduction) - Item #224
photo with gray background of plaster cast of ancient relief with three figures, namely Hades, Eurydice, and Orpheus
Homer - Item #119
Hercules - Item #664