
Here you will find our selection of relief sculptures created from antiquity to the early 20th century. They come with at least one embedded hanging hook. A relief is a sculpture in which the image protrudes from the background, in essence making it both two-dimensional and three-dimensional. Bas-relief, or low relief, means the image is only slightly raised. Alto-relief, or high relief, means the image has much more depth and at times could be almost completely in the round. Sunken relief, or incised or intaglio relief, mainly applies to ancient Egyptian art; the low-relief image is placed in a sunken area so that nothing projects beyond the surface.
photo of plaster cast sculpture relief of the Madonna praying and looking at the baby Jesus and angels in the background
photo of plaster cast sculpture relief of the Madonna holding baby Jesus on her lap on black background
photo of bronze-colored plaster reproduction of a shield with intricate relief sculpture set against black background