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Here you will find a complete list of all of our reproductions which are derived from our antique P.P. Caproni and Brother plaster casts. They date from antiquity to the early 20th century.
photo of white plaster cast of sculpture of face of Aphrodite of Knidos with wavy, pulled-back hair on dark gray background
photo of plaster cast sculpture of head of Lansdowne Hercules with curly hair and headpiece on dark gray background
photo of plaster cast of ancient female bust, namely the goddess Diana, with a gray and black background and sculpting tool beside it
Classical Fragment - Item #819
photo of plaster cast of ancient female bust, namely the goddess Diana, with a black background
Hermes Head - Item #89
photo of plaster cast of ancient female bust, namely the goddess Diana, with a black background
Diana Robing - Item #220
Hermes - Item #164
photo with black background of plaster cast of female figure, namely the goddess Diana, with robes about to clasp two pieces together at proper right shoulder